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Formulating a joint strategy

When a large retail business changed ownership, this project paved the way for the takeover and focused all activity on a new strategy.

A new CEO was named from among the members of the management in place. Before taking up his new job, he wanted to lay the groundwork by examining both the structural organisation and the way management worked.




A brief approach was chosen

  • Preparation: interviews, a study of the documentation, and the drafting of the strategic questions to be asked formed the basis for the project.

  • Workshop: the management team took a three-day break. After spending a day reviewing the existing situation, strategic priorities were set by defining the strategic positions for success (SPS) and the strategic areas of activity (SAA). On this basis, the ideal organisation was formulated and a complete list of actions drawn up.

  • Follow-up: the actions were prioritised using a 3x3 box and grouped into 11 corporate develop-ment projects. All these decisions were validated at an extraordinary management meeting and approved by the board of administration.

  • Implementation: the new organisation was introduced and the members of the managerial and supervisory staff underwent project management training.


Towards new horizons

Strategic considerations enabled the new CEO to steer the company towards new horizons while preserving what had been achieved. The new organisation proved useful and helped better balance the various departments. In addition, team spirit at the management level improved, and a change in culture began.


A role as coaching consultant

A consultant from DEVAS Consulting suggested the approach and planned all stages of the project. He also led the workshop, drafted the strategic summary and led the validation session. In addition, he developed and led the project management training.




Corporate strategy

Developing a strategy and successfully implementing it in order to exploit your strategic opportunities.




Leading a large strategic project

To compensate for losses in its primary area of activity, a public-sector enterprise successfully launched new services.




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